Escaping the Spiral: A Giant Among Men

Hey There Fearless Followers!

We are so excited for our second week on our series on the book of Judges. This weekend we explore the story of Deborah, who led the nation of Israel in during her lifetime. Deborah’s story is amazing and helps us to understand the value of women in leadership and God’s desire for unity within the church.

From the beginning of creation the Scripture reveals a picture of God’s desire for men and women to work together, side by side, as equals to mine out the beauty of his image and world. In many ways, the practical application of this takes different forms in the church (as has throughout the centuries). As we look at Deborah’s story, we will also take time to discuss the importance of women in leadership within our Fearless Family of Churches at Ridge Point, Cultivate and Third Coast.

This is such an important conversation for so many women (and men) in our community. A few weeks ago, a group of 70 students from around Michigan came to Ridge Point for a worship night. Kate Bareman, our Student Ministries Pastor and one of our teaching pastors, hosted the event and so many young women were shocked to learn about Kate’s role in the church. Their eyes lit up with excitement with the thought that they too might one day step into ministry and be a part of advancing God’s kingdom as teachers and leaders.

I am so proud of our churches for diving into this conversation and I’m excited for the potential it holds as a step forward in empowering women and promoting greater unity within the church.

This is going to be a great conversation for all of us! Bring your family, friends and neighbors.

For more information download our booklet about Women In Leadership and the church here.

See you this weekend!

Grace and Peace

Kevin Pike

Senior Pastor

Fearless Family of Churches

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