Making Waves – Week 1

Making Waves as We Engage

Text: Acts 1:8; 2:1-41

  1. We’re Invited To A World Changing Movement
  2. We Begin By Embracing the Holy Spirit
  3. Jesus Doesn’t Want Your Spiritual Life. He Wants Your Life.

Taking a Deeper Dive


In Acts 1:8, Jesus says, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” What stands out for you in this statement?


If Following Jesus is more than a religion and truly about a movement of Kingdom and Gospel waves, how does that change the way you see and follow Jesus? 


Read Acts 2:2-6. The Holy Spirit comes and falls on the disciples in an exciting demonstration of God’s power. God gives them the ability to communicate to those OUTSIDE of Jerusalem. What abilities do you think God has given you to communicate beyond your immediate circles?


We need to embrace the Holy Spirit and depend on His strength and power to do what God asks of us. The partnership requires an active and continual choice to surrender to God’s desires and allowing His power to work in and through us to do more than we can do on our own. Would you say you typically yield to the Spirit’s leading? When do you find yourself resisting? Explain.


The early believers made a radical decision to step into mission of Jesus. Where and how do you sense God calling you to step into mission with him daily?


Making waves demands that we go ALL IN. Jesus doesn’t want your spiritual life. He wants your life. What areas of your life have you locked Jesus out of? what does an wave making commitment look like for you?

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