A Front Row Seat to Christmas: Mary and Joseph

Sermon Title: Mary and Joseph



Matthew 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 26-38


Message Notes:

Obedience comes at a cost — and it’s worth it!

Deeper Dive:

Reflect on and answer the following questions…


In this series, will focus on the different personal perspectives of those involved in the Christmas story and examine the impact of what Christmas meant to them. 



If God told you to do something unconventional, would you do it?



God comes to Joseph and challenges him with an unheard-of request. Can you remember a time when God led you towards something that had a great cost to you?



When an angel came to Mary, there was a lot for her to be concerned about in that moment. Her response, “May your word be fulfilled,” is an example of a heart willing to accept the plan that God has for her. When you think about your life, are you open to the plans and purposes God has for you?



Being faithful followers of Jesus means that we will be called to do things that are unconventional. What would you like your response to be in these situations?



In this season of advent, we can invite the opportunity for God to search our hearts and minds for areas where God is calling us to be obedient. What act of obedience is God asking of you today?

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