God is Moving in our Students

Often, when we hear about great things happening in and around our Fearless Family, we miss the backstory. This week, hear Family Life Pastor Derek Laird’s reflection on recent student baptisms:

A few weeks ago, our Fearless Family celebrated members of churches being raised to new life in Christ through baptism. At Ridge Point, we saw 10 students get baptized, which is great, but let me tell you the story behind why it’s so exciting.

Over the last few years, we haven’t seen a lot of students stepping into baptism, and our student leaders (all 25 of them for Middle School and High School) have been praying over your kids. We’ve been praying that God would become real to them and they would step into a faith that goes beyond their youth group experience.

There has been a lot of waiting, but we are beginning to see our students come alive like I haven’t seen in the seven years I’ve been here. Our students are asking deeper questions in life groups; we are seeing friends (churched and not) invited quite literally every single week; students are sharing their questions, doubts, and struggles with groups that come alongside them.

Our next baptism service is in February, and students are already interested in joining and excited to get baptized this Summer. All I can do is stand in awe at what God is doing and thank our incredible leaders who commit to being there for our students every week through the ups and downs of life!

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