A Glimmer of Hope: Act 4

Hope Beyond Imagination

Big Idea:
We find Hope in Redemption

Ruth 4

Message Guide:

  1. God Can Redeem Any Situation
  2. God Can Redeem Any Person
  3. God’s Hope Is Beyond Imagination

Personal Reflection and Group Study Questions:

  1. Boaz becomes the guardian-redeemer for Ruth and Naomi. How is Jesus our guardian-redeemer?
  2. How has Jesus redeemed your past? Is there a situation in your life currently that Jesus can redeem if you allow it?
  3. When the witnesses at the city gate see Boaz redeem Ruth and Naomi they share bless Boaz and the whole assembly celebrates. How are you celebrating God’s redemption and sharing the stories of what God has done in your own life?

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