Spiritual Gifts Assessment

What is your spiritual gift? Take the assessment below to find out.

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Others seem to look to me for advice and help.*
I’m easily bothered by others’ lack of compassion.*
I don’t take anything at face value.*
I can visualize the “big picture” of a major project.*
When others are in my home I like to wait on them “hand and foot.”*
When I tell unchurched people about Jesus, they easily understand .*
I enjoy doing things to help people.*
My natural tendency is to step up and take control.*
I cheerfully give time or money, regardless of how much I have to give.*
I don’t hesitate to give constructive criticism.*
People see me as a frank and outspoken person.*
I can be described as responsible, charitable, and disciplined.*
I don’t expect repayment for favors I do for others.*
Others tell me I’m a good listener.*
I like being with unchurched people, encouraging them to follow Jesus.*
I will stand alone on something I believe in strongly.*
I will not confront others if I feel it may hurt them.*
I enjoy research as well as sharing what I find.*
Deadlines challenge me & I usually meet them on time.*
I can discern the motives of others fairly easily.*
Some People are surprised by how much I know.*
It is easy for me to share what Jesus means to me with unchurched people.*
I volunteer my time and talents to worthwhile causes.*
I’m moved with compassion to cry with others.*
My focus on right and wrong may be viewed as being judgmental.*
Communicating the facts in a situation is something I do well.*
I am a task-oriented person.*
When I like something (music, book, restaurant, etc.), I tell others about it.*
I’m frugal in my spending, but I’m generous with others.*
Discouraged people are often encouraged by my words.*
I am compelled to comfort others who are hurting or suffering.*
I can create order out of chaos.*
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