Extraordinary: Courage

Text: 2 Kings 5:1-19

Message Notes:

  1. Sharing the gospel takes courage
  2. Age or experience does not disqualify your story
  3. God gives ordinary people an extraordinary message

Taking a Deeper Dive:

Reflect on and answer the following questions for personal study and/or for discussion with your life group or at home with your family.

Question 1

What were some of your greatest fears as a child growing up? How did you overcome your fears?  

Question 2

Has someone ever risked something for you? Share the story.

Question 3

Have you ever been in a conversation where someone unexpectedly starts asking you about God and Jesus? Which of the following best describes your immediate reaction? Explain. 

-Your heart starts going double time and your mind freezes  

-You steer the conversation in a different direction 

-Let me give you my pastor’s number… 

-Seize the moment and talk about Jesus 

Question 4

Sharing the lifechanging story of Jesus is always a risk. But it’s a risk worth taking because God will take our ordinary courage and use it to make bring extraordinary life change. How would your immediate circles look if you began to actively share your Jesus story?

Question 5

Which of the following best captures why you’d be reluctant to talk to someone about Jesus? Explain. 

-I don’t want to risk losing this relationship, job, reputation 

-I don’t want to push my beliefs on others 

-I am still figuring out my own faith 

-I am not trained in this.

Question 6

Sharing Jesus begins with noticing someone who needs to hear the message and taking a step towards them despite your fears and worries. Could you identify one or two people you can start step towards and share your Jesus story with? 

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