Reach & Restore 2021: Weekend Guide


Reach and Restore



Isaiah 58:6-9


Message Notes:

Free People Free People


Deeper Dive:

  • INTRO: Reach and Restore is more than an annual fundraising campaign. We reach and restore because God reaches and restores. God is a giving God, and we, his people, are blessed to be a blessing. By sharing our resources, we grow more in Christ-likeness.
  • Question 1: Do you find it easier to give to others or to receive from others? Explain.
  • Question 2: Describe an instance when someone sacrificed something so that you could have what you needed. How did it feel?
  • Question 3: We learned from Isaiah 58:6-9 that there should be a connection between our worship and our service to those in need. Considering this, how would you rate your worship?
  • Question 4: One of the benefits of serving others is that we grow in our relationship with God. How have you seen this to be true for you or someone you know?
  • Question 5: Isaiah challenges us to even deprive ourselves for the benefit of others as an act of worship to God. What one thing comes to mind that you can sacrifice for the sake of others? Share with the group.
  • Question 6: As people who have been set free, we should spread freedom wherever we go. How can you use your freedom to free others this week?
  • Prayer: Pray that God may help you to grow and excel in the grace of giving so that others may experience the freedom you have experienced in God. Pray over the specific ways God is calling you to reach others with the love and hope of Jesus and restore justice and mercy in our world.

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