Small Things

In Matthew 14, we read about Jesus feeding a crowd of 5,000. Often, when we read this story, we focus on the miracle Jesus performed in taking the five loaves and two fishes and multiplying them to provide enough food to feed the whole crowd, with some left over.

But take a look at what happens in verses 15-17, before Jesus intervened. When the crowd began to get hungry, the disciples wanted to send them away so that each family could find food for themselves. “But Jesus said, ‘That isn’t necessary – you feed them.’  ‘But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish!’ they answered.”

We have ONLY five loaves of bread and two fish. In other words, we do not have enough. We have so little to offer, that it can’t possibly make any kind of impact. What we do have is not worth sharing.

Sound familiar? “I want to be generous with my money/resources, but there is just not much left at the end of the month. What difference does my few dollars make?” “I wish I was better at ___________. Then I could help more people, solve more problems, make a bigger impact, etc.” “If I only had more time, I could pour into people or volunteer or make the world a better place.”

What are you doing with the resources, time and abilities you do have?

After the disciples report to Jesus that they only have five loaves and two fish available, Jesus says “Bring them to me” (vs. 18). He does not care how much or how little they have to offer. He wants them to bring what they have to Him.

Are you holding back because you don’t feel like you have much to give? What if, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, you made a list of what you do have (resources, time, gifts/abilities)? What could happen if you brought what you have to Jesus, and asked what He wants you to do with it?

If you are waiting to share what you have until you have more of it, you may be missing out on the chance to see God take what you offer and multiply it. So offer what you have to Him, give up the need to control the outcome, and see what He can do!


Janae Thomas

Chaplaincy and Teaching Assistant

Fearless Family of Churches

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