Stronger Together

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”

One of our values we have for our staff here in the Fearless Family is “Stronger Together: Become stronger together by forming authentic relationships founded on trust.”

This past week, we had the chance to focus on this value in a special and intentional way when our employees from all three of our churches attended an all-staff retreat. We were able to work together, play together, and grow and learn together outside of our usual work settings.

During our two days away, we spent time growing in our relationships with each other by taking walks together, playing cards and pickleball together, laughing and talking together, worshipping together, and just spending intentional time together.

We also were given extended periods of time for reflection and personal quiet time with God. Several people from our team led us through devotions and worship. We were prompted to think about what God is doing in and through each of us in the roles we have. We were encouraged to give thanks for the gifts and talents that God has equipped us with to do our jobs, and to take time to be still and ask God to reveal what else He has for us in this next season of ministry.

We shared stories of what God is doing in our churches and in our ministries, and celebrated together.

We became stronger together in these few days. That truth isn’t just true for us as a staff. It’s also true of all of us. We need each other to go farther, to be better, stronger, and live life the way God intended for us. 

So take time to become stronger together with the people you work, play, and do life with! Relationships and community are something that Jesus has called us into. They are not easy, but they are worth the effort. We are better and stronger when we join with others and take time to grow, learn and celebrate!



Caroline Kammeraad

Office Coordinator

Ridge Point Community Church



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