Take the Next Step

Have you ever known beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are exactly where God wants you to be?

Where you can palpably feel His gentle presence and hear His quiet whispers of reassurance? That place where your heart feels at home and your hands are reaching out into His work, reaching into the lives of His people and revealing His love through the warmth of your smile?

That place for me is greeting those entering our doors at Ridge Point Community Church. Is that where God may be calling you as well? Have you ever explored the possibility that the simplicity of a handshake and the depth of a smile can change a heart? Have you ever imagined that your voice is a refuge for some seeking peace when they enter our doors and your willingness to embrace them is a solace to their loneliness?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:36…40 (MSG)

I was hungry and you fed me,

I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,

I was homeless and you gave me a room,

I was shivering and you gave me clothes,

I was sick and you stopped to visit

I was in prison and you came to me……………I tell you the solemn truth, whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was Me-you did it to Me.

This is our call to “be” in the small places or the large. Simply “be” His hands, feet, smile, embrace, warmth, and source of love to ALL He has created, value His people and love them well, listen and extend a hand of grace. My challenge to you is to take that next step. Be a “fearless follower”. Listen to His voice directing you and take that step into obedience. Become a part of our Greeter or Usher Teams here at Ridge Point. You will not be disappointed, but you will be filled with His joy. You will have opportunities to meet new faces and greet new friends.

So… what is stopping you? What is holding you back from taking that next step to be the hands of Jesus?

Patty Scholten,

Worship Arts Volunteer Coordinator

Click here to learn more about what being a Greeter looks like. | Click here to Find Your Serve!

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