Getting Ready for Baptism

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We’re getting ready for another baptism weekend at the Fearless Family of Churches.

As always, we will celebrate those planning to get baptized, and we will give space for the Holy Spirit to draw others into saving relationship with Jesus for the first time and/or spontaneously get baptized.

Here is a preview from one of the people getting baptized this weekend!

I decided that I believed in the resurrection and the forgiveness of my sins at a young age. Having been raised with Christ as the pillar of my home it was only a matter of choosing to believe it for myself. However, at the time I had no idea what life had in store and the twists that my path would take. I grew and encountered tragedies, heart breaks, and immense grief. Although I never questioned the validity of Christ, I hid my belief in Him as deeply as I could. I lived fully embracing my many flaws and allowed them to serve as armor from the world. Simultaneously believing that God loved me, but I was far too broken and cynical to ever be of use to his kingdom.  Allowing my incredible shame to keep me silent, and stagnant.

I believed for years that I was too deeply flawed, and that speaking my faith would only damage His kingdom. That it was better to quietly believe than publicly embarrass the God of the universe. Through His love and grace, and His love pouring through my husband, my family, the people of Ridge Point, and my “village”, I have seen the error of believing in these lies. I want to be baptized because it is time to move forward. It’s time to allow Gods love to transform me without being afraid or ashamed of who that is. Although I continue to wrestle with turmoil, I will no longer allow my shame to dictate my faith. I want to fully and fearlessly follow Jesus.


These kind of God-stories never get old!  I am excited to hear more of them this weekend!

Maybe you are one that is being prompted by the Holy Spirit to be baptized this weekend. I am praying that you will step out and step forward! In fact, let’s all be praying for this weekend as we together Follow Jesus and Fearlessly Make Him Known.


Kevin Pike

Senior Pastor, Fearless Family of Churches

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