A story about discipleship and friendship

Al and Steve began their journey as one person “looking for something” and another person willing to “walk with someone”. This is how it has worked out for them.

They meet weekly for lunch and have a Bible discussion along with that.  They began to pray for each other, and began each meeting asking about how they were doing physically, emotionally and spiritually. They try to understand the message in the passage and how it may apply to their lives. When they decided to put God first in their time together, they began to encounter people around them in ways they couldn’t imagine, and it has grown into more than “just their relationship”.

Here is a bit of what has happened in their “discipleship relationship”.

“We have a weekly lunch meeting that neither of us can afford, however, we tried meeting in our homes, and it didn’t work. We felt discipleship needed to be lived out in the world, and not in the comfort of our homes, so we began to meet at the same place each week and ask for the same waitress.

If you want to be remembered, thank your server for his/her had work, and complement them on their excellent service and tip well. After meeting for lunch regularly, we got to know our waitress we invited her to join us for church on Easter, and she did. Throughout the year, she gave us things she wanted us to pray for.  Then a little while later manager sat with us and shared a medical condition she was struggling with and asked for our prayers. We even had guests; two ladies from my friend’s apartment complex, and a young man who was new to following Jesus start asking us questions. So we answered them. That young man, who was new to Christ, began a ministry of purchasing used Bibles and placing them in those places around town where people use or trade books, as well as handing them out to strangers all over town. Crazy, isn’t it? We all have something to share.

We were discussing this at our table at lunch one day when a lady stopped and asked for a Bible for her and for her young son. We even acquired a children’s Bible for her son.

We typically discuss the People we are inviting or hope to invite to church, and how we talk with others about Jesus. Communicating in public about our journey has been real eye opening. We need to be aware of those around us. We don’t want to intrude on others space when we talk. Our lunch time conversations and meetings have kept us on our knees. We are learning that if we let Jesus lead, the adventure will be thrilling!”

Al and Steve are sharing more than lunch. They are sharing their faith and learning what God has in store for them as the growth in knowledge of Him.

Would like to learn from someone or grew in faith with some one like Al and Steve are doing? Are you interested in learning more on being a disciple or having someone disciple you. Contact Mickk@fearlessfollower.org and he will help you get connected.

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