Fearless Family Update – Changes to Services – COVID-19

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27.

For Every Fearless Follower,

As communicated earlier in the week, we have the chance to respond as people who believe and follow a Savior who holds the world and our lives in his hands. We do not want fear to overwhelm us but instead respond knowing our hope is in Jesus Christ!

The last 24 hours have led us to an ongoing point of conversation and prayer as a leadership team. As you well know details surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) are constantly changing. Through prayerful discussion, the leadership of the Fearless Family of Churches wants to honor the requests of local safety and health officials and be part of solution to stem the virus’s advancement.

With this in mind we are making some shifts in programing over the next two weeks at all Fearless Churches (Cultivate, Ridge Point, Third Coast):

  1. Weekend Services: Each of our services will be NOT meet in person for two weekends for sure (Weekends of March 14/15th & 21/22nd) but instead ONLINE only.  We encourage you and your family to maintain a normal rhythm of participating in a service on the weekend.
  2. Student Ministries: High school and middle school programing will not be meeting in large group gatherings but instead pastors will be providing other alternatives for programing that will be communicated from each church.
  3. Group Gatherings: the request from state and local officials is that groups of 100 or more would not meet for this season.  As of today, we are continuing programming for groups that fall under that threshold.  This includes, Rooted, life groups, term groups and other special gatherings of less than 100.  Be wise in attending, if you are not feeling well or are susceptible to sickness we recommend staying home.

We encourage you to visit our websites for details on services and programing.  Scroll down each of the homepages to find ongoing updates and communications from our ministry areas.

Ridge Point:  www.RidgePointFF.org

Cultivate: www.CultivateFF.org

ThirdCoast: www.ThirdCoastFF.org

Lastly, we will be sharing opportunities for us to lean in and be the hands and feet of Jesus during this time.  There will be people in need of encouragement, care and support and we want to provide the hope of Jesus to them spiritually but also physically.  Together, we will still be a church family – it will just look a little different over the next couple of weeks.

As information changes and our leadership develops plans and preparation, we will continue to keep you apprised and up-to-date on Fearless Family events and opportunities to Follow Jesus and Fearlessly Make Him Known.

Grace and Peace,

The Fearless Leadership Team

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