A Glimmer of Hope: Act 2

Hope In Action

Big Idea:
We Find and Show Hope In Acts of Kindness

Text: Ruth 2:8-9
“My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled.”

Weekend Study Guide:

  1. Slow down and pay attention to others
  2. Step In with kindness and generosity
  3. Let God Show Off

Going Deeper:

  1. Ruth is specifically called a Moabite 12 times in this chapter. Why is that important? Have you ever judged someone or their circumstances because they were different than you?
  2. Ruth shows great courage in going to glean in the fields. Do you think her courage is a result of desperation or concern for Naomi (or a little of both)? Can you think of a time in your life in which you took a courageous risk to care for those around you? How might that help you see/understand those in need around you?
  3. The tangible kindness of God is shown through Boaz’s action (even Naomi notes as much) and it changes Naomi and Ruth’s perspective on the future. How might your actions show the love of God to someone else in your life?

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