Extraordinary: Humility

Text: 2 Kings 5:1-19

Message Notes:

  1. Practice Humility
  2. Submit to God’s Plans
  3. Watch God Do the Extraordinary

Taking a Deeper Dive:

Reflect on and answer the following questions for personal study and/or for discussion with your life group or at home with your family.


Who’s your favorites superhero character and why? What is your superhero’s struggle or weakness? [e.g. superman’s vulnerability is kryptonite…] 


“Our strength can hide our weakness.” What do you think about this statement? Is it true or false? Why? 


Read 2 Kings 5:1-19. Naaman’s pride was a barrier to experiencing something truly extraordinary. When has your pride kept you from a great experiencing? Explain. 


“Pride tricks us into thinking that we can be extraordinary on our own. The reality is that we can be great, we can be powerful, we can have everything the world offers. But God is ultimately the one who can move us from ordinary to extraordinary.” How has this statement been true in your life? 


“Humility seems hard because we often associate it with humiliation. We don’t like the idea of humiliation, that is, the experience of something degrading that we associate with shame and consider negative.” Does this statement describe your view of humility? Explain. 


Humility takes practice. Which of the following practices of humility can you adopt this week? 

-Putting the needs of others before your own 

-Promptly admitting when you are wrong 

-Not caring who gets the credit 

-Practicing moderation 

-Asking God to direct your thinking. 

-Intentionally praying for others 

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