Amazing Parent Talks w/ Dan Seaborn

There are times in life when we as parents just feel overwhelmed and we don’t even have the words to express what is going on.  A kind encouraging word to get us through the next hour/day/week can be a fresh drink of water in the desert of parenting.  Dan Seaborn and Peter Newhouse came to our parent talk last week and reminded us that, “God trusts you with your children.”  We often feel like we have to know it all but were reminded that we are doing the best we can, and that’s OK!

One of the parents we talked to with kids middle school and younger said, “It wasn’t that he said anything that was earth shattering, but he gave us a lot of little things that I can do consistently.”  Some very simple, but very impactful things we can do for our students is pray for them, tell them you love them, and be consistent in the little things.  God has entrusted each of us with our children, and it is completely normal to feel like we don’t know what to do.  Another parent we talked to had told us it was great to hear that they weren’t alone in feeling frustrated or unsure as a parent.  Cause let’s be honest, we’ve all been there…today.

If you missed this parent talk and would like to have some practical parenting tips, or just sit and hear that you are not alone, don’t worry, because we filmed it and you can go back and watch it here.  Remember that God has given you your children, and you are doing a great job.  Keep praying for your kids, tell them that you love them, even when they get big, and give yourself some grace.  Parenting is hard, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Derek Laird
Student Ministry Pastor

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