Fill a Bag, Fill a Belly: Update

God is on the move!

Ridge Point, you have blown us away with your excitement about Fill a Bag, Fill a Belly! We have received so many Supper Packs that we had to add extra containers to our displays. God is multiplying our ordinary things to have an extraordinary impact on the children in our area. And it’s happening right before our eyes!

We have had so many stories of people going into stores to find that all of the meat sticks or pudding cups are sold out, that is how quick you guys were to jump in and I’m so proud! For those of you still prepping to pack the bags, don’t worry. You have until October 31 to pack and return the bags to Ridge Point. We need to give the stores a chance to restock and catch up to what God is up to!

In the meantime, feel free to check out our Amazon WishList at our Fill a Bag web page where you can order any of the items and be in prayer for all of the children that will receive these bags.

Our original goal was 600 bellies filled by the end of October but something tells me God has a much bigger vision for us than that! Invite your friends, families and life groups to get in on all the action. You can still pick up a box of quart sized zip lock bags at our stations during the weekends, or you can order everything they will need through the Amazon WishList. Watch God take your ordinary and make it EXTRA-ordinary and as we live out our faith For Every Child in our city!

-Abby Strange


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