Deeper Dive: Making Waves – Week 3

Week 3 (Nov. 14- 15): Making Waves As We Give Reading: Acts 4-5

Hey Fearless Leaders!

The third week of “Making Waves” will focus on the opportunity we have to be generous with all that God has given us. At the forming of the early church we see that Barnabas sells property to give to those in need and it launches him into an amazing journey. His willingness along with the boldness of the early church to surrender and trust God with their resources became an amazing step into a life of purpose and meaning beyond what they could have imagined. Nothing held them back from giving to God and others.

What we hold back, holds us back. But what we give launches us to MAKE WAVES. As you and your group spend time praying and processing through what you are each called to give individually (time, talents, resources, etc.), may you also be praying for God to reveal to you how he is calling your group to give communally as a Family of Disciples on Mission to make waves in the Kingdom.

Things to remember in your groups: Be a Family of Disciples on Mission

  • Family: To be Known, Belong and Care for one another
  • Disciple: Learners and Imitators of Jesus who Share what they know with others
  • Mission: Meet a need, Make a friend, Move others towards Christ

New Groups:

If you are a new group start by introductions of everyone in the group.

Share one or two facts about your life. i.e. – what you do for a living, how long you have been attending church, a little about your family.

Life Groups:

Everyone is encouraged to share how they are doing this week. Catch up with each other. Check on each other’s physical, mental and spiritual health.

Pray: Ask for someone to volunteer to pray over the group and the study. Then Dive in.

Read: Acts 4-5 Ask one or two people to volunteer to read the passages.

Ask: What is one thing that stood out from the reading or from this weekend’s teaching? This is an “All Play” question. Everyone should be encouraged to answer.

Deeper Dive Question: Read the questions and give space for everyone to answer. Questions can be found online or in the church’s welcome programs.


What’s the craziest, most generous gift or help you’ve ever received? What was that like? Share with the group.


The early church had an exciting ride. But it wasn’t without its challenges. When has following Jesus cost you? How?


Read Acts 4:31-37. One of the things that stands out is the early believers were willing to sacrifice much of their lives (time, resources, etc.) But what they were willing to let go of allowed them to experience more and more of God’s desires and plans for their lives and their community. What do you sense you need to let go in order to experience more of God in your life?


Barnabas, an early disciple and missionary partner to Paul was able to let go of his life of comfort and privilege and in so doing stepped into a wave making movement that would live long beyond him. What would change about your life today if you knew that the waves you are making will outlive you?


There is a stark difference between Ananais and Sapphira and Barnabas – who steps into a wave making legacy that we are all a part of today. What is the difference?


Surrender and adventure go hand in hand. Jesus doesn’t always ask us to give up everything we have to follow him. But he does ask us if we will put him first beyond all things. He asks us if we are willing to surrender what we hold dear for something greater – His mission, His purpose, His Kingdom! What keeps you from surrendering to God? What would it look like to overcome that?


Discuss the next steps you need to take to “Make Waves” in the area of deeper and more committed generosity.

Close in Prayer: Here are some prayer prompts to end your discussion time. If the group is comfortable invite others to pray with you. Please ask if anyone has any specific prayer needs. Close by praying for God to reveal what you are holding back and ask for the strength to live like Barnabas in surrender so that what you give can launch you to Make Greater Waves for God’s Kingdom.

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