A Song of Christmas: You Are Loved

You Are Loved


Luke 1:49-50

Message Guide:

Admit Only God has the Power to Save

Acknowledge God’s Holiness

Accept His Mercy

Taking a Deeper Dive:

QUESTION 1 – The Christmas season is a time loaded with traditions—Family traditions and also cultural traditions! Share with the group your favorite holiday tradition and why.

QUESTION 2 – After receiving the news that she would be the one to give birth to Jesus the Messiah, Mary is humbled and praises God for His almighty power that is at work within her. When was a time you experienced God’s power at work within you and your life?

QUESTION 3 – our God is still the same God that Mary encountered many years ago. He has the power to work through our situations to save us, save others, to change lives forever. Is there a person in your life that needs to experience the power of a Savior? If so, how could you share the good news with them this Christmas? 

QUESTION 4 – Read Luke 1:49-50. In this passage, Mary acknowledges God’s holiness. In light of His holiness, we are to fear Him. Not with a fear of hell and damnation, but rather a deep reverence and affection for Him. Do you think your life displays fear of the Lord? Why or why not?

QUESTION 5   So often, we define ourselves by our mistakes and failures. Yet, God is loving and forgiving. In Christ we are not marked by our mistakes, but we are a people marked by mercy. Has there ever been a time in your life that you found it hard to receive God’s mercy? How did God meet you in that place?

QUESTION 6 – When we turn to God in our mistakes and recognize His power and holiness, He promises to show us mercy. Christmas is the time we celebrate that, despite the world being full of sin and deserving punishment, God extended mercy through His son Jesus. How does that impact you and the way you will celebrate the upcoming holiday? How can you show and extend God’s mercy to others around you this season?

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