HI GOD – Week 4 (Yield)

Hi God…

Learning to Pray

Week 4: Yield


Matthew 6:10

Message Guide:

Actively Listen

Boldly Obey

Deeper Dive:

  1. Why do you think it is difficult for most people to pray, “your will be done”?
  2. Have different group members read Matthew 6:10, 1 Kings 19:11-13, Hebrews 11:8. What stands out to you from these Bible passages and this weekend’s teaching? Why?
  3. What aspects of your life do you have the most difficulty surrendering to the will of God?  
  1. What in this week’s reading from Draw the Circle did you find most impactful and relevant to our discussion on prayer? Why?
  2. Drawing prayer circles starts with discerning God’s will. How are you seeking to discern God’s will as you circle items during this forty-day challenge?
  3. How do you balance making wise plans and taking a risk to step out in faith? Recall a time God prompted you act even when you didn’t feel prepared. Share with the group.
  4. Is there something God has called you to do but you’ve delayed obedience because you are not sure if you are ready? What is it? What first step or next step of obedience do you need to take?Take Action: Yielding means actively listening to what God is saying and boldly obeying. Here at the Fearless Churches, we follow the 10 second rule – the idea that when God asks us to do something, we have 10 seconds to say yes, or we will not do it. Would you commit this week that whatever God asks – as incomplete, odd, or difficult as it may seem – you are going to do it?

    End in Prayer: Pray for God’s will to be done in your own lives, and that as you yield to God’s will, God will use you to reach and restore what is broken in our world. Pray that God’s kingdom will come into our city and nation.

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