Fearless 40 Prayer Challenge: Encouragement

Today is day 3 of the Fearless 40 Prayer Challenge! Batterson starts off by explicating Joshua 3:5  “Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” (Joshua 3:5). This is the clarion call for anyone expecting God to move in a big way. It speaks of the kind of preparation we need to make in anticipation of God’s move. Which raises the question, how are you preparing yourself to hear from God through these 40 days? How are you creating space to hear from God? Here are three suggestions:

 First, create space is your time. This means setting aside time in your schedule to intentionally read the Bible and pray. Not just any time, but the time when you are most alert, most undistracted. For some, it could be early in the morning before anyone wakes up. For my wife and I, it is later in the night after our kids have gone to bed. For others, it is sometime during the day, during your lunch break or in your car before you drive to work. Creating space communicates seriousness and expectancy.

 Secondly, create space in your house. By this I mean having a physical space where you can go and pray. A place away from distractions where you can focus on praying. It could be a couch in your house. It could be a closet, or pantry basement. It could be your garage or your car. It could even be your office early in the morning before anyone gets to work. The idea is to have a space such that when you enter into that space at that time, you know it is time for prayer.

 Thirdly, make space in your heart. Over the last couple of months, you may have routinely found ourselves in difficult life situations. You may have experienced physical or emotional pain. You may have been stressed out, anxious, worried, overwhelmed, lonely, unhappy or without peace. All these feelings seek to crowd out the love that God offers. But we make space for God in our hearts when we honestly talk to Him about our feelings and accept His love. We find peace and rest in Him, and a joy that transcends our circumstances.

 In today’s Fearless Word of the Day, Josh talked about how by giving more of ourselves to God, we open ourselves up to receive more of God into our lives. We create space for God to work in us and through us. That is what Fearless 40 is all about. We are creating space so that God can fill our lives, our church and our city to His glory.

 If are reading on your own or haven’t started yet, it’s not to late. Grab a book and join the discussion. We have space for you in person and on line. Click here to join https://fearless.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/738/responses/new

Jerry Rawlings- Jerryr@fearlessfollower.org

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