Exciting Update from Holland Middle School!

Over the last year Ridge Point has been partnering with Holland Middle School to support the vision of Mr. Boerman to teach kids about nutritious food through the start and use of a new greenhouse. Mr. Boerman and his STEM class have been the brains, hands and feet of the operation by planning the crops, harvesting produce and dreaming about how they can continue to bless the community around them with what they’ve grown (even making smoothies for some of their classmates!).

Through Ridge Point’s generosity, Holland Middle School was able to upgrade the garden watering system, put in a paved walkway to the greenhouse and a large paved area behind the greenhouse where the students started a school-wide composting program! They were also able to purchase a host of tools (miter saws, drills, etc.) that students are learning to use to build things like the tomato trellis in the background of the picture above.

The best news it that the fun is only just beginning. The greenhouse is fully up and growing for it’s second season and there are big plans to bless the school and community with this upcoming harvest! If you have a green thumb and would enjoy working alongside some of the students in the greenhouse this summer, Mr. Boerman and his class would love to have you. What a great way to invest in the next generation while blessing our local community! Email abbys@fearlessfollower.org  for more info.

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