The Great Adventure: Week 3

Sermon Title:

Knowing How to Live the Great Adventure


2 Timothy 3:14-17


Message Notes:
  • Action Leads to Adventure
Deeper Dive:


INTRO- In the third and final teaching of the series we explore the importance of applying the Bible to our lives and how we can truly live into the great adventure!

QUESTION 1 What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?Share with the group.

QUESTION 2 – What does it mean to you that God is inviting you into an adventure? How does this change the way you read the Bible?

QUESTION 3 – We see in 2 Timothy 3:14-17 that Scripture possesses both encouragement and warning, and correcting and training. Can you relate instances where you’ve found these to be true?

QUESTION 4 Paul says that Bible information leads to Bible transformation when we act on what we’ve learned! On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how well do you do when it comes to acting on what you’ve learned?

QUESTION 5 – Applying the Bible is the third step of our Bible Study process. But it is also the part we struggle with the most. What are some steps you can take to consistently apply the Bible to your life?

PRAYER – Part of what the Holy Spirit does is to guide us into all truth. Pray that as you read you will be alert and open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

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