What does a pond have to do with God’s plan?

Just a hop, skip, and a jump to the north of the building here at Ridge Point, hidden within the 160 acres, you will find a pond. Small and quiet but filled with life, it may seem insignificant and useless to the kingdom of God, but we have learned that God can use anything for his glory. This pond is slightly bigger than your average swimming pool, surrounded by trees, long grass, and certainly no beaches. It is not necessarily the perfect hangout spot – unless, of course, you are a student at Creation Ridge!


Creation Ridge is a nature-based preschool that operates out of Ridge Point and takes full advantage of the property here. The goal is to teach children through play, discovery, creation, and nature-based experiences. The kids are outside hiking every day, come rain, shine, or snow. A pond can teach 3 & 4-year-olds quite a lot about God’s creation and science in general. The kids love to see the wildlife. They catch frogs and even snakes! But there was one problem: the pond was not very accessible. There was no easy entry point. With drop offs a few feet from shore and thick mud all around, it wasn’t the safest environment for a group of 4 year olds. The teachers at Creation Ridge were aware of the challenges but also the potential blessing that this pond could be. So when the leadership at Ridge Point asked Kris (director of Creation Ridge) if there was anything the church could do for them, she mentioned how a dock for the pond would be a huge asset.


So it began. The plans for a dock to be built started and they progressed quickly. Before we knew it, we had two volunteers, Jim and Jim, generously give their time and labor for the kingdom of God. This is not just a dock; this is a vessel for God. The kids at Creation Ridge are taught scripture and know that what they see in nature is God’s perfect design. This dock is a tool, a way for the kids to safely interact with God’s creation.


The plans for the dock were calculated and had the children’s safety as the number 1 priority. It wasn’t long before the materials were purchased through the generosity of the church and the Jims got to work. Before we knew it, it was finished. If you drive south down 104th on the way to Ridge Point you can see the pond on your left if you drive slow enough. The dock is tucked away in the corner and when you see it, you can only imagine how many children will be blessed by it in the next 20 years. God is so good.



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