The Puzzle of Ministry

In May of 2020 I went to the store, hesitantly, to buy a puzzle. Spring flowers had begun blossoming and we experienced them with a new appreciation this particular spring. Going on long walks became one of the only activities to do, and puzzles were the cool new thing. So, I made my way to the game section, and it was a barren wasteland! I got one of the last puzzles and hurried back to the safety of my home. We unpacked the box and poured out an avalanche of puzzle pieces. What a sight. The goal we wish to accomplish was printed clearly on the box and all the pieces required were available to us, we just had to put them in the right place. Step one, get the edge pieces in place to create a clear vision for where all the other pieces belong.

Someone recently said to me that the volunteers here at Ridge Point are like the edge pieces to our puzzle that is weekend services. When you stop and think about all that is required on a Saturday and Sunday the list quickly becomes quite long. A worship band, tech support, greeters, ushers, the programs with sermon notes, weekly connections and many more. All of these require volunteers; people who sacrifice their time for the expansion of God’s Kingdom. The staff fills in many pieces of the puzzle throughout the week to create an experience that will bring people closer to Jesus. The volunteers of Ridge Point are the pieces of the puzzle that give structure and allow guests to see the big picture, Jesus! A smiling face makes all the difference. A talented worship band can bring someone closer to God. A hot meal or coffee from the café can help create community with one another. Small group leaders and Rooted leaders create opportunities for people to take next steps in their faith. The impact that volunteers have here at Ridge Point cannot be overstated. The church would not thrive without the Holy Spirit pressing on people’s hearts to serve and be a part of this process.


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45

Jesus came to serve, and he called people to come alongside him, the disciples. He had his ministry planned out and he invited them to be essential pieces to his puzzle. Each one with their own gifts, placed in a way that would help spread the message that was prepared. What gifts do you have? What areas of Ministry are you passionate about? No matter where you serve or volunteer, when you do, you create the foundation that points people to the center, to the big picture. JESUS!

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