Serving at Gateway & Pullman


In Matthew 25:40, Jesus teaches his disciples that whatever they do for the least of his brothers and sisters, they do for him. Today, this message still holds true.

Recently, a group of Rooted participants took this message to heart and became the hands and feet of Jesus. They divided into two groups and served in places that touched their hearts and minds.

The first group spent an afternoon at the Gateway Mission, a shelter that provides food and resources for people experiencing homelessness. They worked alongside the men staying there, cooking several days’ worth of food for the residents. One participant was moved by hearing the residents’ stories and learning about the mission’s history and vision. In fact, one couple was so inspired by their experience that they plan to serve regularly at Gateway.

The second group spent six hours in Pullman, cleaning and setting up shelving for a grocery store that had donated its surplus to a local food pantry. Hank Vugteveen gave the group a tour of the People Helping People and Pullman ministries, sharing stories of lives changed and God’s work in the community. Hearing about the food pantry’s plans to provide food, showers, and laundry facilities for those in need fueled the group’s enthusiasm for their work. Several participants who had never been to Pullman before were so inspired by their experience that they plan to attend the PHP auction on May 22 and continue serving in the community.

These service experiences are powerful examples of what it means to follow Jesus’ commandment to love and serve others. By reaching out to others, these Rooted participants were able to make a tangible difference in their community and connect with the people they served personally. In doing so, they could see Jesus in the faces of those they helped and feel the love and grace that comes from serving others.


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