The Hardest Act in Parenting Teens

Lately, I’ve found myself really grieving the fact that my kids are getting older. I guess I’m simply missing the “younger years” that used to be. No longer are the days of showing them how to ride a bike, pushing them on a swing, or hearing their sweet high-pitched laughter down the hallway while they played together so nicely. It’s important to note that I’ve enjoyed EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of being a Dad! Raising them and watching them develop into the incredible young adults that God has made them to be is amazing, and I am forever grateful for the privilege it is to steward these gifts I’ve been given.

Now, having 2 teenagers in the house, my wife Marcy and I have had to really adapt our parenting skills in many ways. Unfortunately, you can’t perfectly prepare for this either. We’ve found that it is critical to continually ask the Holy Spirit DAILY to help us and guide us along the way. Without His help navigating this new season of “teen years” we would be in so much disarray. The teen years happen to be way more complex and, at times, more difficult, but I understand how crucial they are as our kids grow in their faith and lean on God for His provision and wisdom in their own lives instead of the counterfeit hopes and idols the world tries to offer them.

I hope you feel encouraged to stay strong and fight for your families after hearing a podcast that I happen to listen to every morning. As a father, I understand more and more how I am the head of the household. If you’re a dad reading this, I hope you don’t take the responsibility lightly. We must not let the devil have a foothold within our homes. Whether you’re married or single, have young children or adult children, we know one thing is for sure, all children are a blessing from God, and we must guard them, pray for them, set healthy standards for them, point them to Jesus DAILY, and continue to lean on the power of the Holy Spirit within our family units.

Check out this 10-minute podcast on Parenting Teens on Apple or Youtube!

Author: Justin Kolean, Cultivate Worship Pastor

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