The Good Old Days

One of my favorite quotes from The Office TV show is from Andy Bernard when he says:

“I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.”

I have thought about that phrase so many times over the last few years because it’s easy in the midst of the chaos of life, kids, work, and all the things to miss out on the little things that are undoubtedly the moments you will sorely miss when they are gone.

The dishes need washed, the laundry needs folded, the lawn needs mowed, the work never stops, the kids have sports, relationships need upkeep, and on and on the list goes. The danger is when we get caught up in the tasks of life, we miss the precious, messy, challenging, beautiful, wonderful moments that God puts in our path.

We miss the simple beauty of watching the sun transform from an orange sphere to just a sliver of light over the blue waters of Lake Michigan. We miss the feeling of our children snuggling under our chin to feel the safety of their parent. We miss the laughter of a child when they hide behind a door and jump out to scare you when you get home from work. We miss a taste of a delicious meal had with friends. We miss the moments of chatting about our day over a beverage with our spouse. We miss the mess in our home that was caused by life being lived out loud. We miss the quiet moments with Jesus, where we are reminded that we don’t have try so hard, because we are fully known and accepted by Him.

I don’t know about you, I don’t want to wish I was in the good old days. I want to live the in beautifully messy moments every day. To embrace each minute that God brings, even if it’s hard, because the time will never come back. I want to look back and go, “I was there for every second of the life that I was given, and I took every opportunity to live into the life that was given to me by a brilliant, hilarious, amazing, creative God.”

I think one of the best ways we can live into every moment is to celebrate the little things. Be thankful for whatever moment God has put you in. When you are feeling hurried – take a deep breath, whisper a prayer of thanks to Jesus, calm your mind and bring yourself back into the present.

We, my friends, are in the good old days. Don’t miss them.


Jason Scoles
Communications Pastor
Fearless Family of Churches

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