Student Bible Study

As a Fearless Family it has become more and more evident that God is doing some extremely fruitful work through our most recent “Jesus” series and the study groups! It was great to see people of all ages, from all of our churches, participate and grow as we dove into the life of Jesus.

At Cultivate, something we are really celebrating is His work within our Student Ministries!  It’s been both encouraging and admirable to see our students long to grow deeper into His word following the conclusion of the “Jesus” series.  This all started after our high school fall retreat in which several teens wanted to start their own Bible study. They decided to meet between our Sunday morning services so other students could join in.  The students had decided to start a Bible study on obedience BUT when they heard there was a churchwide “Jesus” study group starting, they decided to do that instead!

On the first Sunday they were going to meet, one of the leaders was not able to come, so the leader had placed another young man (that he believed had great potential of leading) in his place. Not only did he do a great job filling in but also helped keep others on task, asked great questions, and even stayed afterwards to share other thoughts that may be helpful for the future of students studying at Cultivate together.  What was thought to be a simple “fill-in” position for a few moments turned into a complete leadership role that he wasn’t expecting.  He helped own the rest of the “Jesus” study group and then partnered with the high school leader in the group to come up with their next Bible study.  Our Cultivate high school Youth Director, Heather Van Huis said, “I just bring the doughnuts. Truly. He texts the group to remind them to bring their Bibles and they celebrate answered prayers together. As a leader, I smile every time I get to read their texts back and forth.”

For the students’ next Bible study they have chosen the book of Acts because they wanted to pick up where the “Jesus” series left off – BUT just like God always does, He has provided our current series of “REVOLUTION” in which they’re now learning about the Holy Spirit!

We praise God today for His providence over His church and for our student leaders that recognize leadership abilities in those around them.  It’s humbling to see our students work together, study together, raise up new leaders, and learn to live more and more like Jesus every day.


Justin Kolean

Worship Pastor

Cultivate Community Church



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