It’s All in Your Head


I’ve heard that statement throughout the years when people discuss things like anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional health concerns. In many ways, I believe that is a true statement, but I disagree with how it is used. It is usually said to minimize someone’s point of view or state of emotional distress. As if to say, because it’s all in your head, it is all made up and is not a big deal, so “suck it up buttercup,” and get over it.

While neuroscience confirms that many elements of mental and emotional health lie within the “head,” that doesn’t make them made up or less real. In fact, the brain is the control center for emotions and the whole body, meaning, if it is all in your head, it will impact your emotions and, soon, your whole body. This is why people experience stress-induced fatigue, joint aches, lethargy, cardiovascular issues, muscle aches, and so much more. When it comes to mental and emotional health, IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD, and it is very real and very serious.

In many ways, the battle for your emotional well-being begins in the mind. One of the best evidence-based theories in the counseling world is Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT). CBT insists that thoughts impact emotions, emotions impact behavior, and behavior reinforces our thinking. In traditional therapy, the battle for your behavior must eventually occur in the mind.

Thoughts of shame, past pain, and trust keep us from deep and meaningful relationships (loneliness). Thoughts of worry, uncertainty, needing control, and fear keep us from experiencing peace (anxiety). Thoughts of discomfort, exhaustion, fantasy, and a need for escape/relief keep us from experiencing true freedom (addiction). All these thoughts and life elements are fought on the battlefield (in one form or another) of the mind.

IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD, and that’s ok. Moreover, because it is all in your head, there is something you can do about it. Learning how to fight the battle of your mind and win over the “mind games” is crucial to your overall satisfaction and flourishing in life. More importantly, as followers of Jesus, we have supernatural help in the presence and power of God in the Holy Spirit.

Paul reminds the church and believers in Rome, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” – Romans 12:2.

Followers of Jesus have a new mind and the power to think differently about everything. We have incredible help to fight in the emotional “mind games” of our lives.

Join the Fearless Family of Churches in January as we learn to win the battle of our minds in our new series “Mind Games” and discover what God has to say about the things that are ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

Grace and Peace,
Josh Zoerhof, MA, LLPC
Teaching and Chaplaincy Pastor

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