Following Him Then and Now: Passover and the Last Supper

In this episode we explore the beauty of the last supper and the significance of the passover meal that Jesus shared with His closest followers.

Meals were such an important part of the New Testament world and the life of the Jewish people. The Passover meal was one of the most significant meals that the Jewish people practiced and observed. This meal told the story of Israel’s liberation from slavery in Egypt and God’s faithfulness in their lives and history!

The last supper that Jesus shared with His followers was this meal and served as a heightened representation of God’s redemption that was about to occur in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The last supper was a beautiful “mess” of all the imperfect followers of Jesus sharing in God’s faithful with their perfect leader (Jesus). After the resurrection – the followers of Jesus would continuously point back to the last supper as a way to always remember what God has done in Jesus!

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